Mickey Mouse

Listening: Castle of Illusion (Genesis/Mega Drive) - Boss Theme (oh yeah and something from Phantasy Star)

Music: Kamiya Studio. Sound driver: SMPS (Z80).

In light of the news that the pretty damn solid Castle of Illusion remake is being delisted soon, I found myself wandering around the OST for the remake and the original game. I didn't especially love the remake's takes on the classic themes-- just something about going to Kirkhope's pleasant style from the harsher, bassier Genesis FM didn't do it for me. Another musical choice I'm of two minds on is the decision to excise the classic boss theme in favor of unique themes for each boss battle. Normally, I'm all over this sort of thing, but I can't say I'm anything but disappointed to not hear a Kirkhope take on the original theme anywhere in the game. 

It could be my nostalgia speaking, but man, this theme just oozes adrenaline. It's probably the most intense theme I can imagine for fighting a killer tree, and certainly one of my favorite uses of the Genesis' sound hardware...

Favorite uses... of the Genesis sound hardware...
